Bombing cities

Bombing cities is the euphemism (nice words used to adjective horrible or unpleasant acts) that portrays how a group of human beings tries and sometimes manages to completely destroy the settlements or places of life of other human beings with the use of weapons of long-range and capable of causing, in addition to the aforementioned destruction of buildings, the collective and anonymous death of their occupants, who are mostly non-belligerent individuals (ordinary and unarmed citizens) who will never see the face of their murderers, those who they will be known only by the name of "enemies".

Destroying cities and other minor populated centers is not something that was invented in the year 2022, bombing cities has always been part of the process and development of all wars between human beings. Contrary to what one may believe in this regard, this way of building conflicts, demolishing buildings and exterminating people is not an invention of the Americans, nor of the Russians or Europeans, nor even of the Asians. Roman armies used this method, even using living or decaying human bodies as projectiles or biological bombs, in their campaigns of conquest throughout the known world of their time. Before them, other armies did it and after that, many others have done it. Undoubtedly this method of waging war was used with the same efficiency as centuries ago last month and will be used next month as well.

Everyone, everyone, but all the large armies and the small ones too, bombarded cities with more or less ferocity, in order, more or less successfully, to reduce the number of casualties among their own ranks when it comes to occupying a place, that is to say that the one who bombards is the one who tries to conquer a place and fires their weapons knowingly that they are doing so against the housing, health and service facilities of civilians in inhabited places. The aggressors who carry out this cruel act are protected by the anonymity that distance gives, which also silences the cries of pain of the victims in their ears.

The reasons given for firing against a city or populated center are varied. The most usual is because it is very easy to hide military material and soldiers, these personnel are confused among the citizens and make any conquest that does not go through their neutralization unstable. In the same order of ideas, military material is introduced into buildings with the intention of hiding it and using it in the presence of the occupation troops, so that upon the mere suspicion of the existence of one or the other, the armies, before sacrificing their infantry in a house-to-house search, they destroy buildings, crush entire neighborhoods, or burn down cities with no real care for the fate of the human beings who occupy them. The Americans did it in Panama, the Israelis do it in Palestine, the Chinese did it in Korea and all the armies, without exception, contemplate it in their war manuals. Even those who do not leave their territory do so to a greater or lesser extent against insurgent or opposition groups within their own territory. There is a proverb that says "artillery sweat saves infantry blood" further explanation is unnecessary.

They are also used a lot to wear down the morale of the troop. If an individual from a troop knows that his house or his neighborhood is being bombed, the first thing he wants in his heart is to return to defend it, if he cannot, he becomes demoralized and begins to ask questions and even question the meaning of the war. And nothing is more dangerous than a soldier who asks questions or questions the judgment of those who command him, nor are the enemy's bombs or bullets as dangerous.

Another use is to destroy the economic infrastructure, for human consumption or for the production of war material, because destroying factories seems to be a good tactic to paralyze the war apparatus of a nation. It is something like cutting the roots of a tree and letting it die little by little or very quickly. The other is to destroy the morale of the troops by destroying that of the citizens because ultimately the troops are drawn from among the citizens and that sustains their morale. As a writer described it well, "from the citizens arise the breasts that maintain the moral and emotional reserves of the soldiers and if these dry up they perish even without being touched by the bullets of the enemy."

Another reason why cities are bombed is like retaliation, a very nice name, a euphemism, for simple revenge. If the enemy's troops destroy a city, the opponent will do the same in a sort of law of retaliation. The attack on a military center or the death of a political leader generates random shots at non-military targets inside cities in revenge or retaliation, even when the contrary is said. The problem is that the artillery has a level of
